ME. (:

Look I have a hot babe kissing me! :P

Likes to call himself "krej"
Which is actually Jerk spelt backwards.
He is the opposite of a jerk!(lol...I didn't add this part...hope it's true though..)

I like..
eat, sleep, hanging out with sports of cuz...snooker and pool!!!


Lynnette PeiYi

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loooooooooong post after loooooooooooooong absence...
It's coming to an end...
halfway down the long and winding path...
drifting...'s mugging time!!
for someone who has moved on to a better place...
losing a little steam...gotta pick up pace!!!

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Layout: madmadmaker

Sunday, February 03, 2008 6:35 AM

feeling sians....

haha, today actually not a very sian day..just that at the end, really super super sian...went to buy new year clothes today...bought a t-shirt and jeans...with my own money! yeah, finally using my own money to buy things...the feeling...supposedly shiok but since I don't quite like wasn't very shiok... =x haha, die...if I have a girlfriend who loves am I going to tahan...haha, or worse...because I don't like shopping I end up with no girlfriend...haha, why am I thinking about all these...

ANYWAY, was at hougang mall shopping, then turned out there was the s-pop performance...I only listened to one song, sang by none other than the finalist of campus superstar 2006..I forgot what's her name...haha, all I know is that I find her damn chio and she has a pretty good voice, I went to play lan...which I think is a bad idea...I had fun...but then, it only made me want to play computer games again...I guess that's partly because the anime which I've been watching is completed...for now that is...while the episodes are still being uploaded...haha...SO...come to the sian part...I wanted to play the particular game so much that I was left disinterested in the things I usually anime and chat online...stupid right? haha, ended up playing old games which I haven't touched for a few years... =x well, I'm off...going to exercise tmr! haha..cya!

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