ME. (:

Look I have a hot babe kissing me! :P

Likes to call himself "krej"
Which is actually Jerk spelt backwards.
He is the opposite of a jerk!(lol...I didn't add this part...hope it's true though..)

I like..
eat, sleep, hanging out with sports of cuz...snooker and pool!!!


Lynnette PeiYi

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Saturday, March 18, 2006 7:46 AM

In the end...

I didn't do anything except wished her well through sms...If you're wondering who am I talking about...never mind...meanwhile, I shall continue pray for her, and just standing by...

Anyway, today's awesome! Got to see the people whom I love, and caught up with them about their daily lives. So glad I could stay with them longer today. =D Plus we had performances which were just hilarious and meaningful! There was a really nice sharing too. It made me wonder why people strive for some things that do not last even when they know that , the irony of life...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:54 AM

I'm back...

hello...sorry, I've been lazy lately to blog...anyway, today I have the I'm here.

Ok, overall today was ok...but...just received bad news...I don't mean to make it sound big, but...apparently, the friend whom I've mentioned in my previous feeling worse now...
oh's at-a-loss-what-to-do part 2...I've got a few ideas...but think they're as good as useless...or worse till, causing more trouble for her...
Should I visit her?
Should I sms her?
Should I????????

I guess I'll take it step by step and see what tomorrow brings...

Thursday, March 09, 2006 6:28 AM

this is bad...and I'm helpless

I'm seriouly at a loss as to what I should do...I've got a friend who's suffering and I've not been doing anything to ease her moment I think I'm not welcomed as she seems to be avoiding me, and the next I feel that I should be there for her despite her ill feelings towards me...Sigh...I guess...I should be happy for her instead as she's gotten a lot of support from her family and friends...and not worrying about this problem of feeling unwelcomed, I should just be there for her and pray she'll be alright...

There were happy happenings today...but...they're really completely overshadowed by the above problem...

Please let her be ok!!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006 5:31 AM

Irritating I...

Sigh...not in a good mood now...just chased someone away with my noisiness...Am I that irritating? Yes, of course. How can I NOT be irritating...I've been making lots of noises since I took my first breath...Different types of noises at different stages of my life. From crying to cheering, from goo-goo-gah-gah-ing to crapping...and sometimes...just being noisy...So...thanks to it, I've upset many people many many times...Gotta know when to crap, and, shut my trap.

Before this moody feeling, I was actually pretty happy with myself. I actually exercised today. Haha, it's been a week since I exercised and boy am I going to die from muscle aches tomorrow...Never mind! It's worth it! At least I hope so... =x

Tuesday, March 07, 2006 6:27 AM

stressed...goodbye slackish days...

Ok,'s been pretty much a hectic day though thank God not a draggy day. As in a busier BUT shorter time instead of busier AND longer time.
Finally got to meet up with a senior...and realised her attitude's changed a little towards this new environment which I'm in now....which really made me wonder...was it stress that's getting to her? Or...something else...hope she'll be able to cope with it well, whatever it is.

Anyway, besides being stressed, at least I found out that I won't be alone through it all...I hope... ;) Ok, I admit, I'm evil...wanting others to suffer with me. Muahahaha! =P

I really really need to be focused now...and hopefully be able to resist temptations...which I've been surrendering myself to... =x I must resist them! I will! Grr...*baring and gritting teeth*

Monday, March 06, 2006 6:23 AM

Phew! followed by...

I survived in my new environment today! Haha, today's many lectures were pretty good actually...had wonderful insights into some of the's time to register...well, not just yet. ;) Gotta wait for a few more lectures tomorrow and I'll see what happens. =)

Oh, besides a new environment, I went back to visit my childhood friends which made me realised how much I'd not been there for I wonder if I were ever a true friend...I may seem to be very helpful and kind on the outside...but...deep inside my heart...I know that there's an ulterior motive...almost always it's like that...I point this out now as I've just offered to help tutor my friend(one of the many whom I've let down by not being there for them)...I tell myself that the reason I offered to help was to make it up for my absence...and also to prove that I truly am a nice guy...but then I?

I've been told time and time again, always help others to the fullest and with all your heart. No holding back. I guess that's something I may never able to achieve...

Sunday, March 05, 2006 5:46 AM

not a bad day?

Haha, there are a few reasons why I mentioned not a bad day.

1. I totally enjoyed myself playing pool with a good friend of mine.
2. Hmm, that's about it...Oops...

BUT, there's always something bad occuring...

1. I am just given a mission to do, so to speak...I have to watch out for a girl whom my other good friend likes...HELP! I'm not sure if I'm up to the job...low self-esteem I know...but there's a really really good reason...and that is I'm not someone who you'll describe as truly trustworthy. Neither am I capable of controlling my hormones...Shucks...I'm in deep deep hot hot waters...I just hope I'll be able to pull this off and everybody will be happy(doesn't have to include me).

ANYWAY, tomorrow is the day! My first day in my new environment! I'm ecstatic!!! Haha, probably won't last long. =x I'm being realistic here, NOT pessimistic. ;)
Peace all!

Saturday, March 04, 2006 7:31 AM

feeling real bad...

I made my friend upset by ignoring his feelings. And I just found out that maybe someone just did not want my support...I mean, I sincerely only wanted to be there for help her whenever I could(I guess I went overboard)...and right now, she seems really troubled while I'm not too sure if I'm welcomed to stand by her... so I decided to try...

Or maybe I'm just being paranoid...I sure hope so...

Sorry for such disorganised thoughts...only typing as I think.

Friday, March 03, 2006 7:49 AM

wonderful and sad day

Today's an amazing day. I'm actually allowed to go where I want to...or so that's what I think...I'm super thankful...and hopefully, God willing, I'll be able to cope well in this new environment.

That was amazing in a gd's the bad way...

I made someone really angry today...and it seems that she still is and has not forgiven me...sigh...I guess that's ok so long as she's happy and healthy. Plus it may be our last day together and I had to screw it up...
Lesson learnt: Always know where to draw the line, do not ever push it too far.

My heart goes out to my friends who are sad out there, hope they will get out of the 'sad' pit and be happy becuz of other things. (basically optimism is the escape rope out of the pit)

Damn, my english is pretty bad...gotta improve! Hope to have a wider range of vocabulary! Anyway, I'm just crapping!

Thursday, March 02, 2006 11:13 PM


the title says it all...those are my feelings right now...

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